
Robotic Spine Surgery

Board Certified Neurosurgeons & Minimally Invasive Spine Specialists located in Charleston & Ladson, SC

Dr. Sabino DAgostino, was the first surgeon to perform robotic spine surgery in South Carolina and now teaches other surgeons the innovative technique. At Seaside Spine Specialists in Charleston and Ladson, South Carolina, the board-certified neurosurgeon has performed more than 400 procedures using this advanced, minimally invasive technique. When it comes to solving spinal pain conditions, Dr. DAgostino uses the smallest procedure that provides the greatest benefit. Call or use the online booking tool to schedule a robotic spine surgery consultation with Dr. DAgostino today. 

Robotic Spine Surgery Q & A

What is robotic spine surgery?

Robotic spine surgery is a type of minimally invasive spinal surgery that uses robotic technology to assist with the procedure. Robotic spinal surgery allows Dr. DAgostino to perform complex procedures using smaller incisions and better accuracy.

With robotic spine surgery, Dr. DAgostino uses advanced computer technology and imaging to create a surgical plan specific to your anatomy, including the placement and size of your incisions. He then uses surgical robotic arms and high-definition imaging to assist in performing the procedure.

The robotic arms make precise movements, improving Dr. DAgostino’s accuracy and flexibility during surgery. 

Dr. DAgostino is well-known for his spinal procedures, and surgeons from all over the country travel to South Carolina to watch him perform minimally invasive robotic spine surgery. He also flew to Italy to train the surgeon who performed the first robotic spine surgery in Italy. 

I need back surgery. Is robotic spine surgery an option for me?

Dr. DAgostino determines if robotic spine surgery is an option for you after your initial consultation at Seaside Spine Specialists. Because of his experience with spinal surgery and spinal cord stimulation, Dr. DAgostino can consider all treatment options and the best surgical approaches. 

He may perform robotic spine surgery to treat spinal deformities, degenerative conditions, and spinal instability. When it comes to spine surgery, Dr. DAgostino focuses on using non-fusion surgeries for solving painful spine problems. Non-fusion procedures can reduce your pain without limiting mobility.

What happens during robotic spine surgery?

Dr. DAgostino customizes your robotic spine surgery plan based on your diagnosis. He discusses the procedure with you at your pre-surgical consultation. Seaside Spine Specialists has an outpatient surgery center where they perform minimally invasive spinal surgery.

You’re given general anesthesia, so you’re asleep for your robotic spine surgery. You go to the recovery area following surgery for monitoring. Some patients go home the same day, but some may stay at the hospital during the initial recovery period.

Recovery following robotic spine surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed and your underlying diagnosis. 

To learn more about robotic spine surgery and how it may help your painful spine condition, call  Seaside Spine Specialists or click the online booking button to make an appointment today.